Service valuation method
The value of a service in an offer depends on three essential factors: - Does the customer need or want this service? - Is this service also offered by my competitors? - What real value does it represent?
Different types of mailings and implementation techniques
For impactful mailings! Our research has identified over thirty different types of objective. These can be aimed at preparing a sales action, carrying it out, supporting it, reinforcing it or following it up. Of course, their design and...
Handling objections - Formulating responses
Among the various methods proposed for adapting the way you deal with an objection (...), we invite you to take a look at two approaches that we have selected from among others because of their effectiveness and their potential use in many cases. How to...
Handling objections - Analysis and response strategy
For many salespeople, rebutting objections is a particularly delicate stage in the sales process. Caught off-guard, many sales reps find themselves bewildered by customers' contradictory opinions. And yet...
Media sales
Integrate the media into your sales process The rapid development of the media (especially the Internet), the quest for productivity when a company wants to reach the maximum number of customers in the least amount of time possible, the implementation...
Responding to objections: analogy or the power of the parallel
It's easier to appreciate a situation when we're not involved and can analyze it from a distance. This is just as true for the friend bogged down in relationship problems who comes to you for advice as it is for the...
Defending the price: Vauban's letter to Louvois
How do you make a customer who swears by the lowest price and absolutely wants to choose the "cheapest" supplier understand that he may be on the wrong track? By reminding them that the lowest-price policy is doomed to failure, as they will only...
How do you defend your price and preserve your margins?
Four winning scenarios... In any sales approach, the price presentation and negotiation stage is of vital importance. It often determines the success of the sale - and its profitability! - but also the durability of your image...
A totally new customer experience, SUPREME breaks the mould to make a difference!
Imagine being offered the chance to invest in a retailer whose commercial policy prohibits customers from entering its stores freely, and who imposes queues worthy of those in the Soviet Union in the 1920s? And if...
From preparation to hyper-preparation, or how to make the difference in appointments
He who neglects to prepare, must prepare to be neglected" goes the adage, a truth that makes even more sense today, in a competitive world where information and professional culture are within everyone's reach... Every detail counts. And so...