Exciting and unprecedented Management and Sales Efficiency DiscoverContact us
Practys conseil
Advantages of Practys
Research & Innovation
We are constantly on the lookout for innovative, cutting-edge science and revolutionary training techniques. We are constantly renewing and challenging ourselves, without compromising on the quality, effectiveness and impact of our services.
100% made-to-measure
The development of global skills development and monitoring systems to provide participants with a captivating and unique skills development experience.
Passion and energy
A hand-picked team of experienced training consultants who combine top-level skills with human qualities
Practys Conseil
Satifaction survey of 3250 trainees
- Trainer competence Future value
- Global Organization Future value
- Proximity Future value
- Utility Future value
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Practys Conseil
Customized made-to-measure
In-company and inter-company training, face-to-face and distance learning, synchronous and asynchronous, according to your needs!

Audit, consulting, training, operational tools: tailor-made services covering the entire sales performance chain.

Our approach to management is not just to offer general programs on the fundamentals of management, but to provide highly operational managerial support to effectively pass on the knowledge acquired from our sales training courses.

We don't just make participants think and train them in sales techniques.
We develop a highly personalized and detailed organizational method and persuasive process, and train them to respect their style, personality and lexical field.

We don't just make participants think and train them in sales techniques.
Our approach is to develop a highly personalized and detailed persuasive process, and to train them to respect their style, personality and lexical field.
Practys Conseil
Our Latest articles
O-ring syndrome: "Price is forgotten, quality remains!"
In 1989, the American space shuttle Challenger exploded just minutes after lift-off, plunging the whole world into shock and dismay. America, which had made its aerospace technology a...
What impact does offering financing have on your sales?
Did you know? A financing offer acts as a highly effective sales gas pedal. It facilitates transactions and, in many cases, increases their value, thereby boosting sales. These are objective, verifiable facts....
Make way for the "turbo" salesman! (season 2)
From preparation to hyper-preparation, or how to make the difference in meetings "He who neglects to prepare, must prepare to be neglected", as the saying goes. A truth that makes even more sense today, in a world of competition, where information and...
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